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Bli vikar

Teachers/preschool teacher

Vi har erfarne lærere og førskolelærere som er klare til å ta på seg ulike undervisningsoppgaver på kort varsel. Våre lærere har lang erfaring med ulike klassetrinn, og er vant til å tilpasse undervisningen til elevenes behov. De har også god erfaring med ulike læringsmetoder og kan gi elevene ekstra støtte ved behov.


We also have many talented student teachers and other students in our substitute team. These have a good knowledge of newer teaching methods and technology, and can provide new perspectives to teaching. They are often more flexible and adaptable than experienced teachers, and can offer a fresh and engaging approach to teaching.

Miljøterapeuter og miljøveiledere

We also have temps with training in environmental therapy and environmental guidance. These can contribute extra support and guidance to students with special needs, and can help create a safe and inclusive learning environment. They also have good experience in handling challenging situations and conflicts.


We also have skilled assistants who can provide extra support for teachers and students. These can help with practical tasks and organisation, and can also provide extra follow-up for pupils who need it. Our assistants also have experience working with students with special needs. 

We are committed to providing our customers with the best quality of our services. We therefore ensure that our temporary workers have the necessary competence and experience in their fields of expertise. We also offer training and courses where necessary, so that our substitutes can carry out their tasks in the best possible way.

We at Brobyggere Vikarbyrå are proud to be able to offer our services to schools and kindergartens all over the country. We have a large network of skilled and committed temporary workers who are always ready to help. We work hard to ensure that our customers get the right temporary worker to the right place in the shortest possible time, and we are always available should there be a need for extra help or support.

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